Monday, September 5, 2011

Previous posts for Units 3, 5, 7, and 8.

I previously posted on Twitter for the subject Units.

Unit 3 - The class posted on the Discussion Board as to what microblogging site they would like to use. I chose to use Facebook and Twitter.
See me on Facebook and Twitter!

Unit 5 - The class post on the Discussion Board; we were asked to start a new blog account - which is when I first opened this account. We were also asked to start a social network account and I chose Facebook. As I have 2 Facebook accounts (personal & school)
When opening the accounts; we were asked to fill out the profile sections. I filled out the portions I was comfortable posting (even if I did restrict access to the public).

Unit 7 - We discussed podcasts - the planning and how they attract audiences. The planning is doing the research on the topic of choice but in this case we were given a few options to choose from for the topic. I have chose to go with "Economy of Words." I love the thought of economy of words. I like the thought of being "short, sweet, and to the point!" Podcasts seem to draw in many different audiences. I will be targeting people who are interested in communications; rather it be business people or a student looking to do an essay. People loves to be straight and forward. There is nothing worse than sitting through a long drawn out speech, right? So we have others like me who seek out tips to be short and to the point.

Unit 8 - Create the PODCAST! on "Economy Of Words" Please go easy on me - I know, I know! LOL

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